Impact the future

What inspired you to become a human rights defender, and how did your journey into activism begin?

It was witnessing the Me Too movement in Uganda where women spoke out against injustice which led to threats against their safety. When I saw this I wanted to make a change for the women around me and to work to protect myself. I began to learn and help women grow in technology and protect themselves from online dangers.

My passion is making a positive change in people’s lives. I joined Safe Sisters fellowship in 2021 to learn about digital safety and security. In furthering my technology education, I realized that a change could be made. I could protect women from cyber threats. I also joined the Google Women Techmakers Ambassador program wanting to support and integrate women into tech and to help women live normal and safe lives while having a presence online. I have learnt how to use social media to make connections for my activism.

We’ve heard about the Data Fest event in Kampala. What did you learn from it and what inspired you to be a part of the event?

I was able to co organize this event under the Women Techmakers program. I gathered speakers, moderated discussions and led conversations there such as the threats of A.I towards women online, how A.I can impact women in technology and why it is important for them to be educated on AI.

How do you handle the challenges and risks of your job?

I keep my accounts and information secure and use things like two step verification. I have had experiences with people attempting to hack or get into my account, I learnt from those experiences and now am using more security online. I keep important information about projects offline and consider the safety of those I work with. I am learning how to safely express myself online and avoid risks.

What other advocacy campaigns or initiatives have you been involved in?

I managed 3 community based projects for online awareness and organizational security and I organized events as a Google Women Techmakers Ambassador helping other women get into tech and hosting tech events. I’ve found connections through work, education and my mentors with people that have been in similar situations and passions.

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