Women are Climate Warriors

Quinta Y, Cameroonian Safe Sister

We are the Association for the Socially Vulnerable dedicated to promoting gender equality and community conservation in Cameroon by recognising the challenges faced by marginalised groups, particularly women, and empowering them to lead sustainable and fulfilling lives. This includes participating in eco technology, harnessing their traditional problem-solving skills and new innovative solutions to address the current climate crisis.

Cameroon is a country with a population of over 25 million people, experiencing rapid urbanization. As Cameroons cities expand, the demand for technologies that are eco-friendly keeps increasing. Eco-technology is gaining traction as the country seeks sustainable solutions to its energy and environmental challenges such as: the UNDP’s Green Technology Promotion, the Government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions by 32% in 2030, Eco-Friendly Urban Technology like solar energy and using bicycles to reduce carbon emissions.

Eco-technology emphasises a holistic approach to problem-solving, considering entire systems rather than isolated parts and allows for the improvement of economic performance while minimising harm to the environment, aligning technological advancement with ecological sustainability. This seems like a step in the right direction, although one must consider a unique factor that drives economic development: the inclusion of women in decision making processes.

ASOV recommends the Cameroon school curriculum should be revised to include eco tech education and to make those subjects compulsory for schoolgirls.

Funders and sponsors should increase their investment with women through creation of vocational training centers, scholarships or through local empowerment workshops and fellowships. By enhancing their skills and knowledge, women in Cameroon can equally become leaders and innovators in eco technology. Women should strive to empower themselves and take interest in leading eco technology innovation and development by vying to hold positions in decision making processes. Women’s rights advocates especially can draft and propose more inclusive policies for policymakers. They can demand justice, sensitise community members about eco-technology and advocate for women led groups to have access to solar panels, horizontal farming, and reusable energy.

It is necessary to create women led research projects focused on eco technology innovation because these will contribute to the advancement of sustainable technologies and at the same time promote women’s contributions and expertise in the field.

The absence and lack of participation of women from underdeveloped and developing countries in eco technology is a serious threat. It is critical and compelling. Intentional efforts should be made locally and globally to invest in women in eco technology.

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